Preston Funeral Home

3800 S Central Ave
Phoenix, Arizona 85040
(602) 304-0083 Contact Preston Funeral Home. Call the Funeral Director at (602) 304-0083 to find out what services are provided at the Phoenix, Arizona location.

Plan the service: Work with the Preston Funeral Home to plan the funeral service, including selecting readings, music, and speakers. Consider any special requests or traditions that the deceased may have wanted.

Funeral concierge services: Assists families with tasks related to the funeral arrangements, such as arranging for travel and accommodations for out-of-town guests, arranging for catering, and handling other logistical details.

Make arrangements: Meet with the Preston Funeral Home funeral director to make arrangements for the funeral, including selecting a date and time, choosing a casket or urn, and deciding on any special requests or religious ceremonies.

DNA preservation: Check with Preston Funeral Home about collecting and preserving a small sample of a deceased individual's DNA. This can be used for a range of purposes, including genealogy research, paternity testing, and forensic identification.

Embalming and preparation of the body: Prepare the body for viewing, which may involve embalming, dressing, and cosmetology.

Grief support: Offering resources and support to help Phoenix, Arizona families and loved ones cope with their grief and begin the healing process.